Monday, October 19, 2009

Unveiling of the Twins Faces

Yesterday the twins (Joshua left, Caleb right) were weighed so shawn and I were able to see their little faces. Joshua weighing in at 2lbs 12oz and Caleb is 3lbs 5oz. Doing well, may eat today. Shawn was able to hold them yesterday for about 30min.

Pray for shawn's to recover from the Ileus. Also twins have big ultrasound on Wednesday to see if they have any brain bleeding from the O2 they had to have when they were born and for their digestive systems to kick in as they eat for the first time today. If all goes well Shawn may come home tomorrow!

1 comment:

Cindy and company said...

Absolutely precious!!! Praying for mama to come home. Love you.