Joshua was born at 3lbs 1oz and Caleb was born at 3lbs 11oz, both were 16inches long.
They were born at 29weeks 5 days old - a tad pre-mature
Joshua came out a crying - which was a great sound - meaning at 29 weeks old his lungs were working - Joshua is all over the place. Caleb in the womb was the big kicker, but now he is a very quite relaxed baby. He came out needing a lot more TLC from the Doctors, his lungs were colapsed not responsive but now is doing great.
One reason Caleb is bigger is that he was taking blood and nutrients from Joshua (who is healthier) Caleb needed it - this condition though is called twin-to-twin tranfusion, which is not good long term, but something God used short term to help out Caleb. This also means Joshua is a little anemic, I will have to give blood probably for a tranfusion for Joshua some time next week.
Shawn doesn't get to give blood. I wouldn't want too after already loosing 3.5liters during hemorage after C-section..... all is well now though!
Thank you soo much for everyone's prayers - please keep them up.
Yea God! Thanks for the videos. It makes me feel like I am there. Wish I were! Love you guys! Still praying.
Praying for you. Wish we could see you again.
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