Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Update on Twins

Well - things are going o.k. - pictures will be coming soon:) Couple days ago they found some blood in Joshua's stool, and Sunday night - Joshua coughed up a little blood. After the flurry of tests etc.. they believe Joshua has Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) which is something premature babies can develop, it's a potentially dangerous intestinal problem. Joshua is being treated with antibiotics and fed intravenously (through a vein) while the intestine heals. In some cases, surgery is necessary to remove damaged sections of the intestine. So what does this mean, well - he is back in the "bubble" and fed through IV for at least a week. Little discouraging after seeing both boys together in a crib. If all gets better we can start progressing again, if condition worsens, then surgery in Fargo becomes more likely option.

So little stressful - pray for Shawny and both the boys! Thank you again for praying.

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